
As. Prof. Ioannis Fourmousis

Assistant Professor of Periodontology University of Athens, Greece

Επικ. Καθ. Ιωάννης Φουρμούζης

Short BIO

1987 Graduation, Dental School, University of Athens, Greece.
1990-93 Postgraduate program in “Periodontology, Implantology and Fixed Prosthodontics” University of Bern, Switzerland.
1993 “Dr.med dent” Title from the University of Bern, Switzerland
1994-96 Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Periodontology, Implantology and Fixed Prosthodontics, University of Bern, Switzerland
1994-2001 Clinical Instructor, Department of Periodontology, Dental School, University of Athens, Greece
1998 Elected member of the presidium of the Diagnostic Group of IADR (International Association of Dental Research).
2001-2006 Lecturer of Periodontology, Department of Periodontology, Dental School, University of Athens, Greece
2001-2004 Member of the editorial board of “Clinical Oral Implants Research”.
2006-2011 Assistant Professor of Periodontology, Department of Periodontology, Dental School, University of Athens, Greece
2011-today Senior Assistant Professor of Periodontology, Department of Periodontology, Dental School, University of Athens, Greece
1994-today Private practice, “Dental Excellence” in Athens Greece www.dentalexcellence.gr
1990-today Publishing 126 scientific articles, 33 of which in international peer reviewed journals. Lecturing in more than 400 national and international meetings.

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